Saturday, November 9, 2013

Coyhaique (The Marble Caves)

The next adventure was the marble caves close to Coyhaique, Chile. About a four hour drive from the city are the marble caves. The drive itself is amazing with white snow capped peaks surrounded by lush forests and lakes. The long drive is mostly on a gravel road that a lot of people drive too quickly on and consequently there are a lot of "accidents". We all know that there are no accidents...most things can be prevented. But I digress.

On to another thing I don't like...the way they treat the caves. This is a national treasure which needs to be protected, but the tours just go into the caves with these long boats bumping the walls and the ends knocking off bits and pieces here and there. The people go and break off pieces of the marble for their homes or souvenirs. It's not right at all and it's a tragedy. However...

The marble caves are a fascinating bit of geology created over thousands of years by a glacier first and then carved by the wind and slow waves of Lake General Carrera through time. This has left small openings that can be entered with a boat to show visitors the splendour of the caves. The lake water is such a deep sapphire blue, that when the sun hits the lake and reflects onto the grey marble, a symphony of colour appears on the rocks. It's truly one of the most amazing shows I've see nature put on. Enough of this rambling...time for pictures!

Part of the paved road

Amazing views the whole way

so much blue...skies...water...amazing

Boat entering a cave

Inside looking out

Outside looking in

Another group to the port side

The water is still shaping the caves

Cool reflections

More reflections

rays of the sun

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