Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oh well

"I'm sorry sir, the tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable," were the last words I heard from the travel rep. So, it will be Colombia to start. No big deal. I'll just re-arrange the itinerary a little bit and roll with it. 

First setback. Check. More to come I'm sure. 

Today is the last day of work. It's a bittersweet moment. Bitter because I won't have money rolling (oh yeah, there are some people there too who are cool) and sweet because I never have to come back. It's been great leaving, I should do it more often, I haven't had to pay for a meal in two weeks. It's nice to feel so appreciated. I'm very humbled. 

Supplies have been purchased. Shoes have been broken in. Bag has been packed. 

I'm ready. 


  1. DB!

    I'm liking the upbeat attitude about the mistake. There is of course a lesson to be learned from every one of them.

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you well in person...i'm not big on goodbyes :)

    Thanks for the blog link - i look forward to following your travels across the globe. Stay safe and have fun! - I.S.

  2. BAHHH!! You must be sooo excited! I LOVE that you are actually doing it! Travelling is all about rolling with the punches - you're obviously off to a good start already, lol.

  3. Hey Beems,
    Good on you for finding the time to update your blog. Excited to read it bud. Btw...its too damn cold here.
