Wednesday, May 22, 2013

La Paz - Part 2

So, anything and everything happens in La Paz.

I've had random people ask if I wanted drugs. I've met the nicest locals who tell me the best places to eat. And there are marching bands at night in the streets (see video: ). Hahaha, I can't begin to tell you how much I love it here.

I found an amazing Cuban food place where I get lunch for $3 and dinner for $3 jam packed with flavour. It's good that the food is cheap because I had to leave the last two hostels I was at in La Paz and go to a hotel. It's a bit more expensive but worth it not having a million people come in and out of your room all night long. Or having a bar playing music all night. Or having a young couple engage in "amourous activities" in the bunk above you. Yeah...that really happened. Did not sleep much that night. Considered getting my video camera. But didn't. Just kidding. Not really.

This views of the Bolivian sunrise from this hotel are amazing (check the video). They serve breakfast on the fifth floor which also has a rooftop terrace. You can see the mountains in the distance.

I also went to one of the fancy restaurants in town. They had a dessert that was quinoa three ways. Quinoa sorbet, quinoa ice cream and quinoa caramel with berry mousse. Delicious! Who knew quinoa could be so tasty?!?! promised...the witches market photos. They have amulets for everything from love to wisdom to fertility. They also have llama fetuses which you bury at the front of your new house for prosperity. There are also a bunch of other potions and vials and stuff.

Amulets and trinkets
Llamas in a bowl
Getting a shave is one luxury I know I will miss when I return to Canada. I just can't see myself doing it when it is so cheap down here. I have only shaved myself one time!

Yo encanta La Paz!


  1. That barber shop be looking mad ghetto lol

  2. Maybe...but the shave was really good. And they used fire to disinfect the tools, not that blue stuff like in North America.
