Thursday, July 25, 2013

Buenos Aires - Part 3

Violated. Stripped. Useless. Stupid. Confused.

Just a few of the words to describe what I was feeling the other day. After a half-year of travel, I got robbed. But it was the gentlest robbery I could have been part of. Four people disguised themselves as tourists, walked into the hostel after getting past the security (which was one overworked receptionist), and took my bag.

It was my big backpack. And no hostel has a locker big enough for it. I usually leave it on the floor near my bed because there really is no where to put it. ¿What can you do? Haha! I just realized I have the upside down question mark on my computer. But I digress. The thieves came in, did their business and left. The manager came later and reviewed the security tape with me, but there was really nothing else to be done. Good thing I have insurance.

Abastos Shopping Mall
They only got clothes because I had all my other valuables on me. They got no money, no passport, no gadgets, nothing really. Losers. And this experience has taught me to do more with less. I did have to go to a giant mall to replace my things, but that was the extent of the inconvenience. There are also massive taxes on imported items because the government wants to support internal economies, by stifling the importation market. So anything imported, like my Levis and my Nike shirts have huge markups on them that are passed onto the consumer by the retailers. Again, what can you do?

I still have a smile on my face and a bounce in my step, because hey! I´m in Argentina and living my dream. Time to move on from this place though, it feels too much like home. It´s very North American. Except for changing money, where you walk down the street and guys just shout out ¨Cambio! Dolares! Reales!¨ Then you stop to talk to one, and they tell you the rate for your American dollar, which is 30% higher than if you got it from the bank or a change house. Then you follow him to a corner, or a kiosk that sells newspapers, or a store with the windows all papered up and there you get your bills and make sure they aren´t counterfeit. An interesting experience to say the least!!

The steak is also amazing, as well as the wine. That´s all I´ve been having for dinner. I´m sure that has to be healthy! I read a study on it by Agentinian scientists. :)
Bife de chorizo a mariposa
Bife de Lomo
Bife de chorizo
I´m headed to Rosario next. A town 4 hours north of BA.

Until next time...

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