Monday, March 18, 2013


The cultural and political capital of Ecuador.

The old town in Quito is beautiful. The architecture is so well preserved. I'm not usually one to oooh and aaah at buildings. But they are really nice. And you are struck at the history. These buildings are up to 400 years old. Built by the Spaniards when they invaded and killed all the natives. It's full of grand old churches and squares. It can't all be explored in a day, no matter how hard you try. It's also really really high here, 2800 metres above sea level. I went out on a Sunday when they don't allow traffic into the old city and they create bicycle lanes. It was clearly a nice family day. There were street musicians and vendors selling stuff. It's hard to pin down the vibe of this city, but I like it. Check out the crazy carvings on the church below.

The picture below is in the main plaza. There's a huge statue and many large buildings.

I saw this indigenous band playing music and I had to take a picture. And a video. It's crazy. Look at those instruments!!!

There was also a folk music band that was playing that the people seemed more into. Check out my music video below. I should become a director.

There are also a lot of vendors. All of these paintings are done by hand on site. There was also a women and her husband creating incense holder by hand. People are so talented here.

Below are some examples of the architecture. It's so nice. 

The picture above is a stand in front of the hostel. There is a guy with this hand-made seat and hand-painted sign which claims to cure you of all ailments. I would have taken a video, but the guy in the black shirt was giving me the stink eye, so I decided to move on. Basically, this guy just makes people stand up and sit down. But he was busy at 9am and busy at 3pm when I came back. He must be doing something right.

I started my Spanish lessons today. Very intensive, but very good. I like the lady whose teaching me. And I like the price, $5 a day. The language school also offers salsa classes and excursions to local areas where you can sample the local delicacy of cuy, which is guinea pig. Mmmmmm!

My spanish teacher said that the South America Cup final is being played in Quito next Wednesday. This is one of the biggest matches in SA soccer. If Ecuador wins, Quito will erupt. I can't wait to go!


  1. I don't know if you ever watched South Park, but there was one episode where Cartman had Ecuadorian (is that what they're called?) pan flute players deported because the music was so annoying. Turned out they played the pan flutes to keep the giant Guinea Pigs from taking over the world. Once the giant Guinea Pigs invaded the US, they had to go to Ecuador and convince them to play the pan flute again. So, moral of the story, tip these guys before giant Guinea Pigs invade the world!!!!! Eating them helps too...I guess. lol

  2. Sounds like you're having an awesome time! I would travel there just to see some of that architecture! Beautiful!
