Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Chiclayo is a town on the Peruvian coast with desert on one side and and the Pacific on the other. The bus ride took about 6 hours from Mancora, but I didn't feel it because I was sleeping the whole way. There is really nothing to do here, the previous hostel owners were perplexed at our choice of location, but there are supposed to be great archaeological relics and finds here.

While there are relics and remains here. I wouldn't call them great. And I don't think this stopover was entirely worth it. Close to Chiclayo was a tomb of the leader of the Sipan tribe. In this tomb was more gold than they even found with King Tut in Egypt. So I was hoping to get a glimpse of the gold. Disappointment is what I found. But there were still some pretty cool relics.

The first museum I went to had very few gold relics, but a lot of ceramics and textiles. Which is cool, to a point. The second museum didn't allow you to bring in your camera, which I really don't understand. Museums around the world allow you to bring in your camera. But not here. What makes them so special? As it turns out, not very much. There was a reproduction of the tomb in the museum, but there was not much gold. I don't know where they are hiding it. But this side trip was not worth it.

Peru has been highly disappointing so far because the people here act with no class. They want your money and will lie, steal and cheat to get it from you. Colombia and Ecuador, although poorer, were not like this. As a result, I'm shortening my itinerary here and trying to get to Bolivia as quickly as possible. It's really quite disgusting. Here are a few examples:

- taxi guy charging $10USD to get me and a few other people to our hostel (it should be $2)
- bus ticket vendor writing the wrong time on my ticket then not offering any refund or anything to fix the problem, even said it wasn't her fault (lost another $12USD)
- getting back to the hostel the cab driver wanted to overcharge for the cab (right afer being ripped off by this lady and furious about it). But I sat in his cab and told him to take me back downtown for free if he wanted to keep the change. He finally gave me back the right change.
- taxi driver at this new city telling me my hostel is closed, that I should go to his friend's place
- breakfast place at this new town gave me the wrong change and say their prices are not right on their billboards (liars)

I'm disgusted with the people I have met so far. Hopefully, I will find some redeeming people. The owner of the current hostel is really nice, but even he overcharged when converting from the USD price on his website to Peruvian Nuevo Soles. Ah well. Peru, the land of the cheat.

It really sucks. I was most excited for this place.  

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