Saturday, February 16, 2013


I decided to fly from Cartagena to Medellin. It would only be $20000 pesos more than the bus ($10CAD). But the hassle of this airport and this airline were second to none. This airport has no indication of the time anywhere. There is no time on the arrivals or departures board (which was digital, surprisingly). There are no payphones. There was a family from the US here who needed to call home because the airline they were using messed up their tickets and they couldn't call anyone. There is no travel least no clear indication of one. There is one on the second floor that looks like it's off-limits to passengers, but it's not marked and not advertised.

Colombia is strange in this regard. Most other areas in the world would like to make or close the sale. But here, it seems like whatever happens happens in the business community. I've been trying to strike deals with some people, and when I walk away, they just let me. It's so strange...I'm not used to this kind of bargaining at all. Even the cab ride here, the hostel owner told me it's no more than $10000 pesos to get to the airport. Conversation between me and the cabbie:

Me: How much to the airport?
Cabbie: $15,000.
M: No...they told me 10 inside
C: Ok, 12!
M: NO! 10.
C: Okay, you got me. I was just trying to rip you off. (He didn't actually say that, just got quiet and drove to the airport. That's what he said in my head).

The airline I'm taking is new. It's called VivaColombia. It's meant to cater to the intra-Colombian traveller, between cities. It's really cheap if you have no luggage (~$40000 pesos). But the website doesn't take international credit cards. In fact, very few of the major airlines take international credit cards on their websites. When you call them (Viva) to find out why your card isn't working, they tell you the best time to try is between 2am and 4am. What?!?

So I figured I would just go to the airport and buy my ticket. That seems easy enough. (This is why I know there are no travel agencies here). This is Colombia's most heavily touristed city. How is this possible? The system for the airline was down...for 3 hours. So I missed the 12 o'clock flight and now have to take the 4 o'clock. Got here at 10am. When the system finally came back up, the lady told me to hurry and pay her because it could go back down at any time. Now, I would understand if they even accepted credit cards...but I was paying by CA$H. Finally, purchased my ticket. But wait...what's the guy doing behind the desk...let me take a look. OHHHH! He's writing my name down (in pen) on the manifest. Because they don't have a printer. And he's also writing out my boarding pass by hand. I guess they don't have a printer.



In the end, they nickle and dime'd the price up to about $30000 more than the bus...but at least I don't have to do a 17 hour bus ride. Medellin better be as good as everyone says it is. Cuz the way there has been way too bumpy.

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