Friday, February 1, 2013

Santa Marta

Santa Marta induces a dream-like state in you. It's such a slow pace, there's not really much to see. And it's so hot, you can't do anything between 12 and 3pm. So I woke up at 7am, made breakfast, got ready to start the day, but nothing was open. I pulled out my skipping rope and resistance bands and realized I've got some work to do before trekking up Machu Pichu. I went for a swim in the pool to cool down.

Santa Marta is one of three cities in Colombia known as the "Pearls of the Caribbean". These pearls also include Barranquilla, and Cartagena. See map below. I will be visiting both of those cities as well. Santa Marta is famous for it's beaches in the surrounding areas as well as Tayrona National Park, which also has amazing beaches. It's also the beginning of the Trek to the Ciudad Perdid (Lost City). I decided not to do this because it's just a bunch of stone in the middle of the jungle. I'd much rather do Machu Pichu.

I then twiddled my thumbs for a while and then try to make a half decent attempt to leave the hostel today. I walked about 8 blocks and found a restaurant that came highly rated on TripAdvisor called "El Fogolar". I ordered a hefty piece of steak that was cooked to perfection. It was delicious. It came with yuca, which is cassava, a potato-like root vegetable. When the bill came, I had to empty my wallet and my pocket of all the change. I did not expect it to be that much after all my cheap meals. But it was a nice change, and still cheaper than home for the same thing. I wanted to try to make it to the beach, but the meal and the heat were making me sleepy.

I came back to the hostel where I didn't do much, and went out again for some ice cream. This ice cream wasn't as good as the ice cream in Bogota. I was sadly disappointed. I went to the supermarket that was across the street and they were selling fresh baked bread. So, of course, I bought a long baguette. And that was dinner. I love fresh baked bread.

I'm going to Taganga tomorrow for a one-day diving course. Taganga is 10 minutes north of Santa Marta (also on the map). Should be cool.

Cactus in Santa Marta

1 comment:

  1. That meal does NOT look as good as you make it sound, lol.
